well hello

well hello

Monday, April 8, 2024

Total Solar Eclipse

 Today is the once in a lifetime total solar eclipse and I'm in the path of totality. I'm excited! But - it's cloudy as fuck. Figures. Regardless, I took the afternoon off work and am spending the day with my man. Yes - I still have a job and a boyfriend. I recall my last post detailed some dire times. Things have gotten better and I'm doing alright. 

Spent Easter weekend at my sister's house in another state. She and her hubby are having issues. It was tense and they fought a lot. Hoping they pull through it. We made the best of it.

Went and visited my cousin with the new baby and had a marvelous time - he's adorable and she's doing well.

Hung with my good friend and had many laughs and lots of wine. Much needed girl time.

My man and I continue to hold on. His surgery is coming fast. I just want to be through it. Taking it day by day is tough. Not being able to plan is tough. We're finding ways to distract ourselves (homemade sushi, many movie nights, walks, talks).

My mental health is somewhat stable at the moment. I've had a week of solid moods. I've been more positive than negative lately. Trying to just be thankful for that.

And yeah. This once in a generation total solar eclipse is worth noting. I hope we get to see SOMETHING through all the cloud cover. Either way, we'll be together. Being with him is everything lately.

Love & Peace.



Bathwater said...

Even with the clouds we were able to see the moon passing over the sun with the glasses. We were just outside of the direct path though, and it didn't get very dark.

Anonymous said...

happy to hear things are good!