well hello

well hello

Saturday, August 31, 2019

The end of summer

Saturday evening. I am home alone on the couch, drinking wine and smoking. Across the room sits my cat on the table, looking content. Listening to "Little Wing" as performed by Tedeschi Trucks and Trey Anastasio at Lock'n.

I'm in my new place. Can I still consider it new after 2 months? Still feels new. All my stuff is here, but sometimes I can't find what I need. I am still configuring the setup. I have moved heavy bookshelves and my bed countless times. Trying to find a flow that works for me.

Had a cold last week, got better, and today woke up feeling like shit again. Low energy, sore throat. It's been a crazy summer. Today is the last day of August. Exactly one year ago was the first time me and J. slept together. But that's old news. A lot has happened since then.

I've been splurging on clothes and blowing off responsibilities. My birthday is in a couple days. 33. No plans for the day, just work. Might leave 2 hours early but won't bother unless I come up with something to do. No sense using the PTO to sit in the house.

I've been walking to work now that I live close enough, but have not lost weight. In fact, I seem to be gaining, which is maddening. But I can't tell. I see both thin and fat. I look at myself naked in a full length mirror daily and mostly think I look pretty damn good. And yet sometimes I feel my stomach and it feels so fat, or I look down at my stomach, and see it grossly protruding. Either way, I need to start restricting again.

Don't have much else to say right now, just wanted to check in. Summer flew. It had some good moments. Looking forward to Fall, if for no other reason that it's an actual change that can be physically felt. There is no question about it. The warmth fades and a chill sets in. I am not sure of much, but of this I am positive: the cold is coming.

Good night, all. I hope September is good to us.

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