well hello

well hello

Saturday, January 5, 2013

This love

The weekend is always sweeter when you work hard during the days leading up to it. I can honestly say that my new job is off to a good start. I have my own desk, phone, computer, printer...it feels important, which is wonderful for my self esteem. A job is really only a means to an end. This job will allow me to make money, an imperative step in my goals.

I've lost 3 pounds in just over a month, thanks to my discipline and calorie counting in Lose it. I'm currently happy with my body. As we all know this changes on a daily basis, but for now I'm ok with it. There is absolutely always room for improvement though.

J. stopped over last night. We lay on my bed on top of the covers and talked, heads close, staring into each other's eyes. I think I love him. He's been acting sweet and more considerate lately. I have to keep staying strong and going slow, taking things with us a day at a time. We can't mess this up again, we need each other.

My throat is feeling a little dry and scratchy, the lack of sleep this week has caught up to me. I am doing my best to rest but I was out with friends last night and probably again tonight. Note to self: ease up on the ciggies, they burn my throat.

I hope to see J. again tonight, there is a chance we will all end up together at our friend's house later. Until then, I'll be with the girls watching old party videos and drinking wine (and limiting my snacking), and he will be with the boys, out. My heart flutters under my skin, my breathing quickens.

I'm going to straighten my hair today. I usually wear it naturally (wavy/curly) but feel like changing it up a little. I just started a new novel, called "Stuck in Downward Dog" by Chantel Simmons. It's pretty good and easy to relate to, a must for me lately.

Thanks for the guitar tips comment, Aye Ell! Think thin, all!

Peace, and until next time...

1 comment:

lola said...

congrats on the new job,

your year seems to have started marvellously, with the job, weight, and J..wishing you the best of it for the rest of the year