well hello

well hello

Monday, August 17, 2020

I can feel the page turning

 Hello everyone!

Venting all my frustrations last time seemed to really help me understand what was holding me back. I've always looked at my vast and varied experiences as a liability - I thought it made me look inconsistent and immature. 

At some point between the writing of that post and now, I've switched my mindset. I now view my job history as something that has allowed me the time and space to try different things to see where my inherent talents and interests are. 

I applied this perspective to a recent job interview. I stated that "I've worked many kinds of jobs in my life, and it took awhile for me to nail down my strengths and where I want to be, which is here, in this field." 

It worked like a charm. And it was the truth. 

Very proud to share that I got the job. 

I start this week. Scared but excited. It's close to my home, slightly more money, and in my field (legal). I was so very nervous for the interview. My self doubt asked in a hateful way, "Why would they pick you?" and yet my confident self replied, "Why not me?". I am positive this winning mindset was a game changer.

Doing laundry, cleaning house, and planning my first day outfit. Headed to my man's house later for some fucking and loving. I'll update again soon.

Love and Peace.

1 comment:

Bella said...

Congrats on the new job! I 100% agree that having such varying experiences in life helps you figure out where you really want to be. If you never go, you’ll never know. Hoping your first week is amazing!
