well hello

well hello

Saturday, November 6, 2010


12:45 and I'm doing laundry and smoking; I changed my sheets and made my bed. I ate two organic waffles with some pure maple syrup (no high fructose corn syrup crap). I am sipping tea and procrastinating some online homework that was actually due last night.

Things have been weird and changing, my moods have shifted with the wind and my stomach is still a huge source of discontent. I am listening to K.T. Turnstall and my neck aches from holding up this heavy head. My heart is healing, I am basically over J. I did dream about him last night. Not *about* him but he was a "co-star". We traveled and must have been dating because in my dream my arm wrapped around his waist so naturally I am recoiling at the conscious thought of it.

It snowed last night; today I woke up to white sprinkles on the dead green grass. The sun was out briefly, which melted some of it, but now it's just gray and foreboding outside; I wish to stay in but I've got to work tonight.

Stretching feels so good and makes me yawn. 
5 weeks of college left. I can hardly believe it. I'm doing it, I'm going to do it, I'm going to graduate college with a bachelor's degree. I will be a Graduate.

But not yet.

I have so much work to do still. Here's what I'm doing:
Class 1: A presentation next friday and 15 page research paper.
Class 2: A PowerPoint & research paper project, plus 2 more blogs with sources (and comments).
Class 3: A debate, an exam, quizzes.
Class 4: 2 more exams, a research paper.

Good Lord. Plus regular work (outside of school), taking care of me and the cat, and planning for the near future (when my lease ends & I graduate- I'm moving AGAIN).

I can do this all. I will be successful. I am capable, intelligent, strong-willed, and on top of things. I am aware.

Stay strong, all. Think thin.

Today is a restricting day for me. I am fine with that and in control.




Plum Girl said...

Your will is inspiring!

S said...

ypu are all of those things because you doing so well in life! stay happy

lots of love S xoxo