well hello

well hello

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Inches & comparisons?

Today: sliced apple with laughing cow cheese wedge..about 100 calories. 4 rice cakes...200 calories. Right now I am sipping tea (o cal) & it's noon. I want to fast for the rest of today. At work (at one) it will be super easy to not eat/crave little packets of crackers because I am working with my manager. *sigh of relief*...so then I will be outta there at 7:15 having subsisted on 300 calories today. Next? Stop home, grab magazine, walk to the library, walk back. Right there will be my spurt of "exercise": stair climbing & walking. Hey, better than nothing.
After that? Well I made a list. I've got a ton of shit to do.

I refuse to sit here wasting my life away wallowing in depression while others are out there making moves. Like T, for example. He is in his hometown being a substitute teacher today. What am I doing? Got stoned at 10:30 in the morning. Blogging about my attempts to not eat today. Thinking a lot.

I took measurements yesterday. I don't know if I did it correctly, but I seem to have lost inches since last summer (well I'd hope so!!!). I am currently: hips-35 inches. bust- 35 1/2 inches. waist-29 3/4 inches. thigh-21 inches.

How is that?????
I am 5'8. I weigh about 132...how does everyone compare??
Please let me know ladies!

I want to keep losing. It is time to step up the game. I know that when I start working out I will lose weight quicker. Time to start jogging again. It does feel good...it is just the motivation part. I could do it in place (here, less embarrassment, no intense winter elements) or go to the gym & use the treadmill. Just gotta do it.

If I can't be with T. and be happy. Then I will be happy and skinny by myself. That's it. If I can apply more discipline to ME than it will surely fall into place in other aspects of my life. I HOPE.

Ok. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

I will BE THIN. I will NOT BINGE. I will BE THIN. I will NOT BINGE. I will BE THIN.

*Think thin today*


Blue Butterfly said...

La Vache Qui Rire! I love the laughing cow cheese wedges (light!) over a slice of toast.

Think thin EVERYDAY (: It's good to know you're feeling more positive today. *hugs*

Stick Thin said...

You are making a step in the right direction :) I'm glad to hear it. 132, 5'8? Thats pretty good honestly. Before I lost major weight I was always around 135 and I am 5'7. Then I got down to around 115. Back up to 137 and now sit between 116-120. I need to re vamp. I want to be under 116.

But why compare? Everyone carries weight different. Plus if you try and exercise you'll lose weight in a more positive weight than just trying to avoid eating

Twigs Can Fly said...

Hey dear thanks for the new follow (:
I'm 5"8.5 and i weigh about 129 atm. Was lower, shit happened, now I'm losing again it's all good!

Keep with the fast (: